2015 Has been an amazing year for this blog and I'm forever grateful to of had this experience. 2015 bought the blog to not only the 1000 views milestone, also the 2000,3000 and 4000 milestone. I'm so thankful for your support and visits to this blog. its never been about the numbers but about me reading and writing, doing what I love for others to see.
Not only this but 2015 was the year that bought me my 17th birthday and a large personal milestone. This is also a year that bought me an amaxing friend and allowed me to strengthened the friendship bonds between me and so many people in school. Not much else happened that is so significant but I really hope that 2016 holds more fantastic things for both me and my family and you.
I hope the year brings us all great things and treats us well, for those who didn't have a great 2015 I hope you are able to have a better 2016.
Ill see you all again when the blog gets back into its normal routine, feel free to stay up to date about the progress on Twitter and once again, Happy New Year.
Thursday, 31 December 2015
Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Top Ten Tuesday - Most Anticipated Releases In The First Half Of 2016
Well I had to knock this lost up on my phone so none of the photos would save and add to the blog post.
Girl Against The Universe - Paula Stokes
Passenger - Alexandra Bracken
The Unexpected Everything - Morgan Matson
The Fever Code - James Dashner
Blackhearts - Nicole Castroman
Bookishly Ever After - Isabel Bandeira
The Love That Split The World - Emily Henry
When We Colided - Emery Lord
Symptoms Of Being A Human - Jeff Garvino
Jerkbait - Mia Siegert
Top Ten Tuesday Is A Weekly Meme Hosted Over At The Broke And The Bookish.
Friday, 25 December 2015
Blogmas Day 25 - Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.
So today is Chritmas day and I just wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas or Happy Holiday to whom it applies if not all. I hope your day is full of cheer and happiness and I hope you all take care and come back and visit me for the new year and throughout 2016.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, have a great day.
Thursday, 24 December 2015
Blogmas Day 24 - Blogmas Experience
So I've posted every single day of December and runs until now or for others, till Christmas time. Blogmas has been such an enjoyable experience I didn't think I would initially enjoy it but I loved every day of it, it gave me a change to be spontaneous and somewhat out of my comfort zone with the topics.
It did stress me out at times when I was unable to think of topics to talk about each day but I always came out on top and hopefully you've all enjoyed reading my Blogmas posts, if you'd like you could leave Blogmas post ideas for Christmas 2016.
Hopefully you will also join me for Blolgmas 2016 (sounds really weird when I say that) and hopefully it will be as much as a wonderful experience as it has been this year.
Have A Great Christmas Eve and to those who wont visit my blog tomorrow Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays and I'll see you for the New Year.
News Headline - Free Haircuts For The Homeless
Hair stylist Mandi Barnes of Essensual Hair Design in Ogden, Utah, got an idea after watching a YouTube video about a hairdresser giving free haircuts to homeless people in New York City.
She reached out to other hairdressers in the area and hosted a "free haircut day" at the Ogden Rescue Mission homeless shelter.
She reached out to other hairdressers in the area and hosted a "free haircut day" at the Ogden Rescue Mission homeless shelter.
On Saturday, they volunteered their time and talents giving haircuts (and confidence) to the people who need it the most.
Many local businesses made donations, including meals from Chic-fil-A and Texas Roadhouse.
The results of the afternoon were incredible.
See the original post here Hairdressers Give Out Free Hair Cuts For The Homeless
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
Blogmas Day 23 - Christmas Shopping
Christmas is often a time to show people your love for them and their love for you and its always the thought of the gift that matters not how much it cost. This year I set up my card a week or so before I begun buying things for Christmas. Just like most people out of their I've struggled a lot with what to get people.
I did however spend £15 on a jumper a friend had said she liked and wanted, she sneakily opened it before Christmas and told me she loved it, thankfully. However it didn't fit her, even worse for me it would cost mt another £10 to send it to Belgium (not its origin) just to swap it for the next size up. My other friend came to my rescue and has taken the jumper for her sister and is going to give me the money for it.
I'm not sure what I will get her now, maybe the same jumper the next size up or something completely different but the same amount of thought and effort will go into finding her something she will adore just as much as she did the jumper.
Although I struggled with finding gifts for people I've become aware of the fact its so much fun to buy people gifts that make you laugh and will definitely make them laugh, just sharing a part of how much you care with them is one of the most magnificent things that can be experienced.
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Blogmas Day 22 - The Significance Of The Christmas Tree.
The evergreen fir tree has traditionally been used to celebrate winter festivals (pagan and Christian) for thousands of years. Pagans used branches of it to decorate their homes during the winter solstice, as it made them think of the spring to come.
The modern Christmas tree tradition dates back to Western Germany in the 16th century. They were called "Paradeisbaum" (paradise trees) and were brought into homes to celebrate the annual Feast of Adam and Eve on DEC-24. They were first brought to America by German immigrants about the year 1700.
Top Ten Tuesday - Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Leaving Under My Tree This Year
The Art Of Being Normal - Lisa Williamson
Little Bit - Alex Wheatle
Spotlight On Sunny - Keris Stainton
None Of The Above - I.W.Gregorio
Eleanor & Park - Rainbow Rowell
Playlist For The Dead - Michelle Falkoff
The Maze Runner Series - James Dashner
Love Letters To The Dead - Ava Dellaira
The Walking Dead The Fall Of The Governor Part 1 - Robert Kirkman and Jay Bonansinga
The Walking Dead The Fall Of The Governor Part 2 - Robert Kirkman and Jay Bonansinga
Top Ten Tuesday Is A Weekly Meme Hosted Over On The Broke And The Bookish
Monday, 21 December 2015
Blogmas Day 21 - Fandom 12 Days Of Christmas
12 Dalecks zapping
11 Companions running
10 Oods a singing
9 Sontarans Slaying
8 Veins a pumping
7 Angels a weeping
6 Silence...uh...wait what were we doing?
5 K9s
4 Cybermen
3 Donnas
2 Cool hats
and a Time Lord in a blue box
Sunday, 20 December 2015
Blogmas Day 20 - I'm So Forgetful
Okay so am I the only one that can eat the Christmas calendar every day for the first week of December and then suddenly forget you even own a calendar and then when you re realise, you have to eat like 13 chocolates in one sitting to be back up to date? because recently I've had to eat a weeks worth of them.
Besides that I'm just as forgetful, I mean a while back I would leave for school and lock the door, get to my bus stop and then forget if I actually locked the door, I would fall into a pit of panic when I got on the bus without going back to check. It would often result in calling my dad who would be a little mad because he would have to leave work to go and check, or I would face to panic throughout the day and then get home to a perfectly locked day. Somehow I've managed to overcome that but that's probably down to leaving 14 minutes before your bus comes even though the stop is like 2 minutes away just in case I do forget so I have time to check.
I can walk into a room and forget why I walked in so I either walk right out or walk around that room just to make it out like I did something I needed to do until I remember.
The joys of forgetting.
Saturday, 19 December 2015
Will Grayson Will Grayson - John Green and David Levithan
So this was my final physical book that I owned and also a possible last book for 2015, its been an awesome time for reading this year and I must thank every author who's books I have had the pleasure to read this year and I hope you like this review.
Book Synopsis:
Will Grayson meets Will Grayson. One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, two strangers are about to cross paths. From that moment on, their world will collide and lives intertwine.
I absolutely loved reading this book, for once I managed and loved to read from two different perspectives and I couldn't wait to see how it would all work out. Both Will Graysons have their own issues going on. John Green's Will is terrified of getting close to anyone, and we see how this starts to impact on his relationships in the book. Levithan's Will is an isolated, lonely and very sad character. If there's ever a character in need of a hug, it's this Will. I could empathise with both of them so much and just wanted things to work out well for them.
I didn't see the 'major' event at the beginning coming,there's is no way I can explain it to you but it hurt me, an absolute killer of an event. I felt so much empathy for Levithan's Will in particular. The book as a whole focuses on coming to terms with your sexuality, figuring out who you can trust and dealing with some awful issues as a teenager. Levithan's Will has depression and it's portrayal is spot on. It isn't often that books are written from the point of view of a character that is living with it - usually it is someone coming to terms with having it. I just wanted to look after him, to support him and tell him to power through because things get better.
Will Grayson, Will Grayson is such an emotional read. I loved most of the characters and loved to hate a few. I seem to want to read a lot of Levithan lately. I need to read more of his books because they are absolutely fantastic writer. I have read all of John Greens books now and that makes me a little sad, but if you want to read more LGBT issues or mental health issues in books, this is one of the ones worth starting with . The issues were dealt with, with such sensitivity and knowledge; I have so much compassion for these characters and I'd love to read about their lives further. I loved it. It blew me away and I really want to read another book written by both of these guys.
I have to give this book a 5/5, it completely blew me away and will always hold a place on my bookshelf and in my heart.
Blogmas Day 19 - Am I Ill?
Besides the bad left knee and the getting bad right knee, the sometimes painful right hip I'm physically fine.
It's Christmas time and I feel near to no Christmas spirit. There are days I get little bursts of excitement in my stomach and shower in Christmas cheer but then there are days I just wish to be done with it all. Take down the tree pack it back into the loft and not hear another Christmas song.
But I guess this is how it goes so besides my physical pain I'm growing older, and Christmas is becoming less of a big thing for me. Last year was the same and I wish I could spend every day in the run up to Christmas being full of cheer but I'm not Peter Pan. However I do hope to enjoy all of the love Christmas moments I get because there will come a day I won't get any of those moments.
Friday, 18 December 2015
Blogmas Day 18 - What I'll Be Doing In 2016
- I will be trying to get back into a proper eating routine and hopefully blood donning for the first and not the last time.
- I'll be continuing my search fro jobs but will also try to overcome my phone and social anxiety which has been causing problems.
- Set a new book goal for myself and to keep this blog working well.
- I will also, hopefully re decorating my rom to make it more cosy and cool so ill be hanging out there with friends and readied and writing a lot.
Thursday, 17 December 2015
News Headline - Adventures Of An Abandoned Cat.
Tigger is a 21 year old cat who was left abandoned at a local animal hospital in Baltimore.Adriene Buisch saw him, and fell in love with the feline almost instantly and vowed to give him the best life she could.
Adriene called the hospital and got the background on Tigger, finding out he was only left there 9 months ago, was very sweet and had a lot of life to him. She already owned a cat called Stuart with her partner Michael and were looking for a companion but thought a kitten wouldn't be the best fit but Tigger would.
The technician told the couple she was concerned about his kidneys because he drinks a lot of water. She said she would give them some time alone with Tigger so they could decide if they still wanted him. Of course they said yes and took him home to see Stuart.
A few months later, Tigger's health took another turn for the worst. While grooming him, they discovered a golf ball-sized tumour. The couple made a bucket list not knowing what came with kidney failure and the tumour. The day after Thanksgiving, Adriene and Michael took Tigger to Bethany Beach in Delaware.
Adriene called the hospital and got the background on Tigger, finding out he was only left there 9 months ago, was very sweet and had a lot of life to him. She already owned a cat called Stuart with her partner Michael and were looking for a companion but thought a kitten wouldn't be the best fit but Tigger would.

The two cats instantly got along and bonded, it was almost like Stuart was telling Tigger what trouble to get into as is body was too old to do it. Unfortunately, the veterinarian's initial concerns were verified with blood work: Tigger was suffering from kidney failure. After Adriene started him on medicine and a prescription diet, Tigger's health began to improve. His fur grew back into a fluffy coat, put on healthy weight and had begun to drink a normal amount of water.

Apparently Tigger loved it and made friends along the way, he walked all along the beach to the car. Next, Adriene plans to take Tigger on a trip to visit family for Christmas
The original story can be found here - http://www.sunnyskyz.com/good-news/1442/Woman-Rescues-An-Abandoned-Senior-Cat-And-Is-Taking-Him-On-Bucket-List-Adventures
Blogmas Day 17 - Festive Drinks
I found some really great sounding festive drink recipes online and I wanted to share some of the names with you, most of them will contain alcohol so its not suitable for those underage.I will also have the link to the recipe with each name.
Gingerbread Bellini - http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/gingerbread-bellini
Pomegranate rosemary spritzer - http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/pomegranate-rosemary-spritzer
White Christmas cocktail - http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/white-christmas-cocktail
Choc-orange hot chocolate - http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/choc-orange-hot-chocolate
Eggnog - http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/eggnog
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Blogmas Day 16 - Christmas Books
The Twelve Dates Of Christmas - Lisa Dickenson
Christmas With Billy And Me - Giovanna Fletcher
Geek Girl All Wrapped Up - Holly Smale
The Christmas Surprise - Jenny Colgan
Never Kiss A Man In A Christmas Jumper - Debbie Johnson
Make A Christmas Wish - Julia Williams
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Blogmas Day 15 - Making A Gingerbread House Step By Step
A home-made gingerbread house seems like a daunting task, but in reality, it's quite easy! Especially with these step-by-step instructions.
- 1 and 1/2 cups (12 fl oz ) of unsulphured molasses
- 1 and 1/2 cup (3 sticks) butter or margarine
- 8 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 tablespoons double-acting baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 4 teaspoons ground ginger
- 4 teaspoons ground cinnamon
- 1 tablespoon allspice
- 1 and 1/2 cups brown sugar (dark or light)
- 2 large eggs
- 4 egg whites
- 1 teaspoons cream of tartar
- 4 cups of confectioner's sugar (also called icing sugar or powdered sugar)
cookie sheets
aluminum foil or better yet, silicon baking mats
butter or margarine
flour, all-purpose, white or whole wheat
Again, more silicon banking mats OR waxed paper
Heavy duty mixer (optional - you can mix by hand)
Rolling pin, I like the non-stick silicon type
Cake knives
Cooling racks
a 11" by 17" cookie tray, heavy cardboard and/or plywood to use as a base
Six quart-sized bottles (like full spaghetti sauce jars) or unopened soda cans to hold the walls and roof in place while the icing dries.
Pastry bags and tips (OR a gallon sized Ziploc plastic bag (quart will do, also)
Candy for decoration: M&M's, gumdrops, lifesavers, coloured sprinkles, etc.
Make the templates:
Roof: 2 rectangles, 7 inches by 9.5 inches
Chimney: (optional) 1" wide.
Side walls: 2 rectangles, 4"x7.5"
Front and Back: trapezoids
Making The Dough:
- Melt the butter in the microwave or on the stove until it is melted
- Pour the melted butter and molasses into your mixing bowl
- Now add the eggs, and next the brown sugar and mix
- In another large bowl mix the 8 cups all-purpose flour with 2 teaspoon double-acting baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt,1 teaspoon baking soda, 4 teaspoons ground ginger, 4 teaspoons ground cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of allspice.
- Now mix the dry with the wet and mix, if you have a mixer with a dough hook, use that and then knead into a smooth dough.
- Put the dough in a zip lock or other container and refrigerate at least 30 minutes. You can also leave it over night but that isn't necessary.
- On a silicon baking mat, waxed paper or a floured surface, roll out a small amount of the dough (about the size of a tennis ball) until it is about 1/4 inch thick.
- Try to match one or more of the cut out patterns to the size of the rolled dough. It doesn't need to be an exact fit, you will reuse the trimmings.
- Place one of the paper pattern pieces on the dough and using a dull knife (like a table knife) cut around the edges.
- Cut out the windows and doors and just lift out the extra dough. Save the trimming to roll again for the next template.
- The chimney pieces are no different from the others, just smaller! You don't need to make a chimney, but it adds a nice touch
- Now pop the tray into the oven and let it cook for 12 to 15 minutes, until it puffs up a little bit and just starts to become golden and slightly firm.
Make The Icing
- 4 egg whites - If you use pasteurized eggs whites, like those in the carton at right, then the icing will be safe to eat (otherwise, the uncooked eggs may contain salmonella!)
- 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar
- 4 cups of icing sugar or powdered sugar
- In a large bowl beat the egg whites until they begin to foam. Add the cream of tartar and beat until the whites are stiff but not dry.
- Gradually beat in the icing sugar, beating for about 5 minutes until it reaches spreading consistency. Keep it covered and refrigerated until needed.
- If you have a pastry bag, use that, but it's easy to take a large zip lock bag. Fill the bag, and pop it into the fridge. When you are ready to use it, just cut off 1/4 inch of a corner and you have an instant pastry bag!
- Now this is simple, if you have a make shift base made of wood covered in foil etc., using the icing line the bottom the 4 walls and wait until tacky before sticking them to the base, you can use anything to keep them standing.
- Once tacky they should stand and so you can continue to construct, using the icing and waiting until tacky again, add the roof.
- let the icing harden and fill in any gaps that appear.
- Now using the icing that's left, Decorate using your candy that you have.
Top Ten Tuesday - Best Books I Read In 2015
Most books I have read this year have been the best, but here are 10 off the top of my head.
Geek Girl Picture Perfect - Holly Smale
Geek Girl All That Glitters- Holly Smale
Geek Girl Geek Drama - Holly Smale
Geek Girl Model Misfit - Model Misfit
All I Know Now - Carrie Hope Fletcher
The One Thing - Marci Lyn Curtis
Everyday - David Levithan
Come Sit By Me - Thomas Hoobler
Memphis Hoodoo Murders - Kathryn Rogers
Outspoken - Lora Richardson
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted over on The Broke And The Bookish
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