There were two things that brought the world to its knees. First the colours. Then the insanity.
So I found this book on an app called Inkitt, it just attracted me instantly and I couldn't turn away. The book is all about Gwen, who is part of a camp who are trying to survive in the world that is overtaken by a disease that makes you see colour when infected. After shocks which included seeing the execution of an infected camp member and later seeing colour, she is faced with 2 choices to leave, or be put down. At first she aimed to leave and die alone away from her friends so she isn't any harm to her campmate, but after a short while she cant find it within herself to do it, that's when Ryan who she had encountered in camp finds her, begging for him to do it all over again like she had seen him do before, she begs to be put down by him because he unlike her is stronger than she is. He can't face it, she's just a child and after a short argument, they both run away together, away from the threat of death towards the hope of surviving without fear.
Like they both thought, after a while as they head towards the city where they heard a cure was being made, they both end up seeing colour and Gwen holds her guilt to infecting Ryan close to heart but he doesn't blame her at all, he knew the risk and took it anyway. The city sounds like its too good to be true but is it or not? it's really a book to read if you want to find out if all is as it seems.
The characters were so easy to connect with, I felt the pain for Gwen as she experiences the highs and lows of her journey to surviving the new world. The highs were in fact that the colours she experience were truly beautiful. She's 17 years old and being only a year younger than me I felt like it was much easier to connect with her although I'm not living in a world like she is, but I felt like we had certain emotions and reactions to certain situations that mirrored each other.
Ryan was a great character too, he was willing to risk all for a girl he knew very little about and he didn't give it a second thought. He was a gentleman and really decent male character, he was the sort you wished were real because he seems better than half of the guys you actually know in real life.
There are so many characters that come into the story, they're all well written, well explored and each have a great part to play in the unravelling of the plot. The plot was very unique and beautiful, I was really gripped by each page. The ending blew me away really, each chapter blew me away so it all came together and blew me half the way around the world. It's definitely a book worth reading if you like adventures and action and if you're looking for something that will keep its hold on you. I really want to speak to the author and have a good old chat about it all. its a 5/5 from me with no second thought needed.