
Tuesday 18 August 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - Auto Buy Authors


Being low on funds, I'm working this list about authors who's books I would automatically buy if I could. I usually find it hard to ask for things, mostly because I think money could be spent other ways for the better and not on me, but my mom always says when I eventually ask to buy something either in store or from the internet (usually books) that I rarely have anything so of course I can. I still don't ask often, I treat it as a kind of reward of sorts so even though the list contains auto buy authors its going to be 'if I could afford to buy them.'

Image result for j k rowling
Holly Smale
Image result for patrick ness books
 Patrick Ness
Carrie Hope Fletcher
Giovanna Fletcher
Image result for john green
John Green
Darren Shan at Authors Live
Darren Shan
Veronica Roth
Suzanne Collins
Image result for stephen king
Stephen King

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted over at The Broke And The Bookish

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