
Thursday 20 August 2015

Thursday Thoughts - Writing

Finally after several years, around 4-5 years I finally informed my mother that I enjoyed writing and at the time we were discussing my future and the rest of my education, I informed her I loved writing after she asked me what I loved to do, her response unlike most, was positive. She said I could be an author and write several books, but not everyone is as understanding as my mother was on the 'I want to write books' front.

I guess writing was my way to express who I truly was as I faked to be someone better and loveable. My best friend, informed I want to write is supportive and really encouraging when it comes to me writing, she once made a point of me writing and she could create the covers. Others, an ex or two, a large proportion of my friends, many others find that writing is only a pass time and not an actually career yet they fail to see that several people out in the big wide world made a career when it came to writing.

I write to pass time, re-live a time, create a new time. I do it because everything I see, hear or do stores itself in my mind and over time it arranges into a perfect sequence that I can write, it usually happens at 2am most times, I would be in bed and staring at the ceiling when suddenly this fantastic story unfolds and I have to wake up fully and write it down as soon as I can in fear that if I don't write it down in that moment, it'll soon disappear and that opportunity will never come around again.

The thing is, writing, is beautiful it creates worlds, breaks and mends hearts, it gives us 1 or 200 lives to live and it is beautiful, so to everyone out there who writes for a pass time or writes as a passion, you are creating life and its an amazing thing, keep with it, people wont support you if you want to make a career out of it but I do, don't let them steer you away from writing, if you love to do it stay with it, if you think your writing sucks, get a friend to read over it. Truth is aspiring writers start to get sick of their work because they work on it over and over and they see it over and over but a fresh pair of eyes and a fresh mind full of imagination will love the work and you can get good quality feedback and constructive criticism.

If you love to do it, keep at it, you have worlds and life inside of you.

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