
Tuesday 3 May 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - 10 Characters I wouldnt mind revisiting in 10 years time.

  1. Harriet Manners from Geek Girl, I mean she develops a lot over the breaks in books and I think revisiting her in 10 years would be both a delight and heartbreak.
  2. Katniss Everdeen from the epic The Hunger Games, I think it would be interesting to see how 10 years would play our for her after everything she has been through.
  3. Charlie from The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, because 10 years in the future of a boy who had grown up without friends and suddenly had ones that would die for him would have a tremendous effect on him and I would want to see how it panned out.
  4. Madeline Whittier from the brilliant Everything Everything, its pretty much down to the fact she had no life because she wasn't allowed one and to now know the truth I think witnessing what 10 years of change and freedom can do to her would be amazing.
  5. Charlie from Blackspoon, okay so this guy has been through a lot and where we left him wasn't exactly beautiful so 10 years down the line the situation might be a lot different to how it was and I think it would be rather enjoyable to have a catch up.
  6. Will Grayson from Will Grayson Will Grayson (so many Will Grayson's here) because how he left him was purely brilliant and I guess the effect would have been marvellous and to see how it had effected him over 10 years would be beautiful.
  7. Will Grayson from Will Grayson Will Grayson, ( another one I know, I'm sorry.) He too was left in a perfect situation which was just as beautiful as other Will Grayson's situation. I just want to see how both of their lives play out.
  8. Matilda I mean come on? who doesn't want to see her in ten years time? she's pure greatness.
  9. Liesel Meminger because she's such a great child and i want to know what comes of her from a further 10 years of life.
  10. I'd like to visit London 10 years after The Humans to see if anything at all has been changed my.


  1. As a book lover...I love this post for its uniqueness :)

  2. Matilda made my list too- which isn't surprising! I'd love to see how Madeline is doing too, how hard life must be on her own and being thrust into real life.

    My TTT

    1. I'm so happy someone also chose Matilda and agrees on Madeline. Happy Top Ten Tuesday. x

  3. yes, Matilda! I can't believe I left her off my list today!! My TTT

    1. Well it's all okay because you've remembered her. Happy Top Ten Tuesday.

  4. Matilda made my list, too! Also I should have added Liesel to my list - same for Charlie and the two Wills!

    Check out my TTT.

  5. I had both Katniss and Liesel on my list this week too.
    My TTT:
