
Saturday 19 March 2016

Reasons To Stay Alive - Matt Haig


What does it mean to feel truly alive?

This is the true story of how Matt Haig came through crisis, triumphed over mental illness that almost destroyed him and learned to live again. Moving, funny and joyous, Reasons To Stay Alive is more than a memoir. It is a book about making the most of your time on earth.


Well what can I say? It took me a little while to finish this book, I had barely any time to read physical books from my shelves as I found myself taking on more and more Review requests but when I bought this book it took me a week to find the courage to open up the covers. I was not scared to read it as such, I guess I was just scared that I could understand everything Matt Haig spoke about.

To myself I have a right to feel scared about understanding every word Matt had written, because to me in my own mind, no one had ever suffered those things I had, but reading Reasons To Stay Alive, I became aware that I was never alone in the things I had suffered, and than my feelings and situations that I had experienced were in no way unique to me, they had been felt and experienced somewhere else too.

Like the synopsis says, the book is moving, funny and joyous, I could not agree more. The book covers so many areas throughout the struggle Matt faced with hid Depression and Anxiety, to read chapters like Things Depression Says To You left me feeling somewhat light in the chest, to know that someone truly understood, and not only that but to know that readers out there who may not be suffering from either Depression or Anxiety can now have an insight and help by offering out a hand to those who need it.

There are pages and phrases which really struck a chord with me which will cause me to re visit the book whenever the time is right to, reading this book felt like a warm hug offered from an understanding being, a warm hand to hold extended from the support of others.

There is a lot that could be said about this book, I could write a 6 pages 10 sized font essay about the book, its contents and Matt and I will resist that urge as much as I can. To Matt, a man to whom I extend a warm understanding hand to, an offer of support and encouragement through the days. To Andrea who with the power of love, support and friendship, guided, supported and encouraged Matt to the stage he is at.

A no doubt rating 5/5 a work of pure honesty and emotion. A recommendation to anyone, and I mean anyone, its a needed read to increase the understanding and break down the stigma of Anxiety and Depression alongside other mental illnesses that exist. I hope those who have read, are in the process of reading or will read this book will understand and enjoy this book as much as I did having passed the fear of  understanding everything it speaks of.

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