
Tuesday 5 January 2016

Top Ten Tuesday - Resolutions I Have For 2015

I don't usually make or have any resolutions because I was always used to failing at them. but for the purpose of this post I will make some and try hard to stick to them. They will be a mix of personal and bookish.

  1. To finally read the maze runner series after all this time of wanting to buy and read it.
  2. To try to read over 25 books in the year and therefore pass my year goal.
  3. Work on my book, don't rush to finish it, take my time, as much as I need.
  4. Connect more with you guys, I feel as though we have a brick wall between us and only a few people climb over.
  5. Connect and interview more authors, not just connecting with them just for an interview.
  6. Create a wonderful and calming reading space (my room) when I re-decorate.
  7. Continue and progress with playing my guitar after having one for 4 years now and buying a second last year.
  8. Become even more fluent in German, even though I had done 2 years of German in my second secondary school, after leaving I forgot most of it but in late 2015 decided I wanted to pick it back up as I quite enjoyed learning a new language.
  9. Cut down on my intake of cheese, this may sound bizarre but in all the past years, I would be eating so much cheese I was turning to a mouse.
  10. Stop drinking fizzy pop, although the year has already begun I haven't consumed that much of the lovely fizzy pop but this year I want to try and cut it out, drink water and love it like I already do.

Top Ten Tuesday Is A Weekly Meme Hosted By The Broke And The Bookish


  1. I hope you get to read the maze runner! I haven't read the books either but the movies were pretty good.

  2. I have The Maze Runner coming up as a backlist choice soon. I hope we both love it when we finally get there. I need to create a cozy reading corner. I used to have one, but lost it when family member moved in. There has to be a nook around here somewhere...
    Best of luck with your goals.
    -Smart Dames Clever Books

  3. Good luck with all of your 2016 goals!
    My TTT:
