
Tuesday 13 October 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - Duo's I'd like to see/read

So this week was really hard for me considering I cant remember half of the books I've ever read, I mean all I can remember are those I've read this year and distinct authors from my childhood, I gave this list my best shot anyway.

1. J.K.Rowling and Dame Jacqueline Wilson

2. J.K.Rowling and John Green

3. John Green and Darren Shan

4. Darren Shan and John Becker

5. James Leck and John Becker

6. Roald Dalh and J.R.R. Tolkien

7. Holly Smale and Carrie Hope Fletcher

8. Veronica Roth and Suzanne Collins

The list above only contains 8 duos but I couldn't think of many more. The duos I've listed, to me would suit each other either because they have similar writing styles or I believe their ways of writing would boost the other in their writing or that it would just entertain me to think of them working side by side. I thought of writing my reasons for each of them but I would at least be repeating myself 5 times so I thought it quite pointless but if you have read any books by the authors above (i believe most of you have read books by most of them) you can tell what I mean with my reasons of similar writing styles etc.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke And The Bookish.


  1. JK with everyone LOL I mean shes pretty awesome to be pair with other awesome authors...

    Check out our TTT list!

    Leydy @ OUaT

  2. oooo Dahl and Tolkien.... very interesting and intriguing! My TTT
