
Tuesday 6 October 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - Bookish Thinks I Want To Quit

Binge/Reckless Buying - Usually I'm really good at choosing which books to buy, but because my sixth form is located in a town with 3 stores that mainly sell books it becomes very hard to avoid them even more so when there is a sale sign in the window or I have a gift card. Even though I tend to have several un read books on my shelves ill just keep buying more. I once bought 4 books because they were 50p or less, I bought them because they were a bargain.

Putting reading before work - I'm only doing 3 days a week at sixth form studying media and I use Thursdays and Fridays to stay up to date on my work and expand and push myself with the work I do on those two days but at times I tend to begin reading a book as I take a break from my work and then end up spending more time reading the book rather than doing the sixth form work I first set out to do.

Binge/No Break Reading - Sometimes I find myself so deep into a book it becomes very hard for me to put it down. This usually leads to 4 hour reading sessions, stiff neck resulting in pain and very dry eyes and heavy eyelids with a very dry mouth leading to an unquenchable thirst. It mostly happens at 1am. If I'm lucky enough sometime sit happens during the day.

Getting Mad At Previous Book Owners - There comes a time or two where I cant afford to buy the books out of the shop brand new, so I buy them online second hand and for a cheaper price. The description says its in near perfect condition and so when it arrives I'm usually really happy but sometimes I receive the book/s and there will be a tear in the dust cover or one or more of the pages or small dog ears that drive me crazy. I go mad, I don't write a bad review I just internally curse at them for it. No biggy.

Unintentionally Annoying Authors - Once I've read a book an I tweet about it, tagging the author, I tend to go a little over board and send several tweets tagging the author and saying things about the book. I don't do it to annoy the author or to get their attention its just me tagging the author as I tweet to my followers about the story I've just experienced. It unintentional and possibly annoying. Sorry to any author I've annoyed.

I could only think of 5 bookish things I'd like to quit. Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke And The Bookish


  1. This is a great list :) I am so awful about putting reading before homework! As soon as I decide to start doing some, all of a sudden my brain thinks of 50 books it wants to read instead :p

    My TTT

  2. Putting reading before lots of things is something I need to - ooo! A book!! :)
    My TTT
