
Thursday 3 September 2015

Thursday Thoughs - Ideal Times To Read /Write

Ideal Times To Read and Write:

Sometimes I find it difficult to find places to read or write so if any of you are like me, below I have listed a few what I call Ideal times to read and/or write.

  • Long Journeys to/and from places if you're not the one driving of course. This also includes, bus rides, plane journeys and train rides.
  • On your lunch break
  • In or on you're cosy bed making sure to not get pins or needles for sitting in any of the several positions you'll read/write in.
  • When you need to calm down or cheer up, a good character or story can always have an effect on you.
  • Some people read on the toilet, some write on their phones on there too.
  • I found it ideal to read or write (which ever seemed more prominent at the time) during an awkward situation or an uncomfortable situation.
  • When you can't sleep even though you've been trying for 2 hours. (I've done this a lot)
  • In your spare time where you've got nothing else to do. But don't force yourself to write if it's not happening.
  • When there's a power cut. I recently experienced a power cut and it actually helped me write a part of a story I have been writing.

I read pretty much anywhere most days, I write mostly at nights because somehow that's when I'm most creative or in a mood to expand on ideas. I hope you can relate to these times where to read or write. If you have any other ideal times, comment below and let me know.

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