
Friday 7 August 2015

Geek Girl Geek Drama - Holly Smale

Title: Geek Girl Geek Drama
Image result for geek girl geek drama publishersAuthor: Holly Smale
Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers 
Publishing Date: March 5th 2015
Available Editions: Paperback and EBook

Book Synopsis:
Harriet Manners knows many things.
  • Shakespeare invented 1,700 words including puking, assassination and eyeball.
  • A raindrop that a raindrop that falls into the Thames will pass through the bodies of eight people before it reaches the see.
And she knows just how badly auditions can go, especially when you’re a model. But she has no idea what to do when her arch-nemesis Alexa decides the school play is the perfect opportunity to humiliate her…


This book was one of the several I has bought on my little haul in July, it bought it mostly because it wanted to complete the Geek Girl book series and well this book is what I like to call 2.5 as it isn't a thick book like the others but  kind of a little filler created for world book day of 2015. Never the less I bought it alongside the two other Geek Girl books.
This book being only 134 pages long took me around an hour and half to read in full with no breaks and the background whining of my dog trying to get out to my mother on the front garden.

I really love the humour in the Geek Girl books, its not offensive humour but I do tend to find myself snorting whilst I read this (thank you Holly) The story even though a filler was still great, it spoke of events you would only know of if you had read the past 2 books.

Character wise you have to love Harriet, the intelligent sometimes funny girl who is always under appreciated and the victim of others and lets not forget her best friend Nat who's dream she stole on accident, but Nat continues to be the intelligent supportive funny best friend to Harriet. Lets not forget Toby who's the stalker of Harriet, stalker friend in all truth, he has a fascination with her and everything she does, he likes to listen to every word she says and every action she does and is sometimes very helpful with the information he collects from being Toby.

As I've said the book was a kind of filler for the gap between Model Misfit and Picture Perfect, I loved it all the same, and I was intrigued with the way in which Holly writes and portrays the characters. I'm completely fascinated by Holly Smale's writing and will probably buy her work no matter what it is and I'm not ashamed to admit that.

I had no issues with this book at all and I enjoyed reading it, therefore I have no problem giving the book a 5/5 for a rating and I recommend it to anyone who reads the Geek Girl series and hasn't read 2.5, to anyone looking for a little laugh or a short read.

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