
Saturday 29 August 2015

Burn Girl - Mandy Mikulencak

Title: Burn Girl
Author: Mandy Mikulencak
Publisher: Albert Whitman & Company
Publication Date: Sep 1, 2015                    
Available Editions: Hardback and for review EBook

Netgalley Synopsis:

I knew what to do when Mom died: tidy up the motel room, get rid of her drugs. I wasn't afraid of being alone. I'd been lonely for years. But the scariest thing was that now I'd no longer be invisible.Arlie's spent years living under the radar, trying to keep her addict mom out of trouble. She's used to keeping out of sight from the law, from her stepdad, and from anyone who might ask about the burns on her face.

One day everything changes: suddenly her life has social workers and school and new rules to live by. Her mom's brother—some guy named Frank—wants to give her the stable home she's never had. Arlie's not sure if she needs rescuing. But maybe she's ready to be part of the real world. Especially if it includes people like Cody, the first guy she's met who knows what it means to be different.

But when someone from Arlie's past life comes calling, she'll do anything to keep her new world safe.


I was granted the right to read this book before its publication date and in return I must give a honest review. This book, I chose to request just out of curiosity from the synopsis and title. This book took me around 2 days to read with a few breaks here and there.

I loved several parts of this book, mostly how it wasn't all based around a relationship between two teenagers. I also loved how the book wasn't based around a typical teenager with a normal family in a normal situation. To keep this section short my last loved part of the story is how it involved other characters frim other backgrounds etc.

Bringing up the characters I have to admit I was quite happy with the few characters there were, I really liked Arlie as the main character, she is strong and loyal, but her mum’s death has left her with all of these emotions that at times lead her to do some dumb things on occasion. Mo was a ideal best friend to Arlie, always there for her, willing to do anything and always offering her opinion on her actions.  The relationship between Mo and Arlie was really well written, the friendship was explored in such depth and it was interesting to see how both girls push the limits of their friendship. Frank is Arlie' uncle, her mothers brother who takes her in after the tragic event occurs. Frank doesn't mind giving up his old life for Arlie and is quickly accepting of her. I enjoyed reading about the development of Arlie’s relationship with Frank and how she learns to start trusting people and accepting that she now has a stable life and living in a stable home.

After a roller coaster of emotions, I finished the book, the only thing I don't like about the book is how Cody wasn't explored as much as he should of been, he suddenly popped up and became a part of the story, I would of liked to of seen a little more of a friendship/bond building development.

Besides that, there isn't anything else I could pick up as bad, I give this book a rating of 4.5 out of 5 just because of the Cody thing, he turns up out of nowhere and plays what I say is a near main character of the book. I recommend this book to anyone who wants a good book to read and to those who want to explore a different teenage life.

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